Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search.
““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot
3 Tips to Sustain a Long Interview
With some of the interviews running over multiple hours and sessions sustenance is a major issue as well. How can you be enthusiastic, attentive and energetic after 3 hours of one-on-one interviewing and 2 hours of group interviewing and more to come? The mind and body work together in tandem, if one is overworked and exhausted [...]
Top 5 Reasons why you want to Work Part-Time
As a working mother, what would you prefer when considering getting back in the job market -- full-time employment or working part-time? It is no dispute that working part-time brings many advantages to a working mother’s life -work balance act. Here are the top 5 reasons why women prefer working part-time when re-entering the workforce: More [...]
Negotiating during the Interview – On Work-Life Balance
If you are reentering the workforce after taking time off being at home looking after kids or for other personal reasons, you could be considering only part-time work schedule or flexible timings at your preference. If you desire so, your best bet in getting it all lies in effective negotiation during the interview itself. Show them [...]
10 Tips to help you Reenter the Workforce – with Super Confidence
A Mother Re-entering the Workforce after being home for a few years - Career Discovery is often the first step Often women wonder whether the previous long-time before work experience or even the degrees that they hold still hold well in todays ever changing work scenario. It is a valid concern afterall. When reentering the workfoce [...]
In Job / Career Transition? Is your Family Supporting you?
Looking for a job or starting on a new career is a full-time job in itself, but for those who have not been in a layoff or in job transitions it is not easy to understand your situation and know what efforts and time go in the hunt and the process itself. What can you do [...]