4 Negative Thoughts That Will Leave You Unemployed

It’s tough out there — especially when you feel like you’re the only one who can’t get a job. Day-to-day, you might battle feelings of hopelessness as you submit resume after resume with no reply.

The negative thoughts creep in. You begin to doubt you’re cut out for a career. Sure you graduated and have a little experience in your field — but maybe you’re not professional material. All this negativity and doubting slowly eats away at you, killing your motivation.

You might think, there’s no point in even trying if I don’t have what it takes.

Stop right there.

You’re becoming your own worst enemy and you’re never going to get anywhere with that mindset. What you believe about yourself impacts your actions — actions that would land you a job. So, it’s time to change your thought patterns.

Here are some thoughts you need to eliminate from your mind, because they’re completely killing your job search:


Thought 1: “All online job applications are sent to black holes.”

True, many organizations are using an ATS to help pre-screen applications online, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be contacted. You just need to follow up with the hiring manager after submitting. Hiring managers like eager candidates who do their research and prove they’re willing to go the extra mile to get the job.

After submitting your application or resume, search online for the hiring manager’s email or LinkedIn. Send a quick message letting him or her know about your interest in the position and you’ve submitted your application. When you get a response, don’t be shy — ask for an interview.


Thought 2: “There’s nothing unique about me as a candidate.”

False. You are unique, first because no one thinks the way you do, and second because no one has had the exact experience you have — both in your prior work history and education. Regardless, it’s not about what skills and experience you have, it’s the way you sell them to the hiring manager.

To help set yourself apart, consider creating a professional website to show off your work samples or coursework from college. Or, start a blog where you discuss your opinion on topics and news in your industry. In fact, a new CareerBuilder survey reveals 21 percent of employers want resumes with a link to a candidate’s online portfolio, blog, or website.


Thought 3: “Who would want to hire me with such little experience?”

If it seems like every job description you look at requires experience you don’t have, don’t let it discourage you. Forty-two percent of employers said they would consider a candidate who met only three out of five qualifications for a specific role, CareerBuilder’s survey found.

Even if you lack all the qualifications for the job, play up the qualifications you do have and highlight your strengths. Showing you’re teachable and moldable might compensate for that fact that you’re not yet a seasoned veteran.


Thought 4: “What if I interview and get rejected?”

Almost everyone fears rejection, but if you let that stop you from trying, you definitely won’t land the job. When you find a job you really like, pursue it with everything you have. If you interview and it doesn’t go well, learn from it. The more experience you gain talking to hiring managers and interviewing, they better you’ll become at talking about your skills and your professional goals.

Overall, don’t be so hard on yourself. If you’re having trouble staying positive and motivated, seek support from a friend, mentor, or career counselor. Do whatever it takes to keep these negative thoughts from creeping in and killing your motivation. You’ll find a job soon, don’t give up!

What are some negative thoughts you’ve had that killed your motivation on your job search? Share in the comments below!


About the guest post author:
Val Matta is the vice president of business development at CareerShift, a comprehensive job hunting and career management solution for companies, outplacement firms, job seekers and university career centers. Connect with Val and CareerShift on LinkedIn.

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