How to Find a Job when there are none around

If you cannot see something it does not mean it is not there; it only means that you have to try harder and perhaps with a different vision to find the unseen.
If you were in a layoff as a result of the economic downturn; then you will benefit from these tips on how to find a job when there is a hiring freeze everywhere and the companies are getting our of business left and right.

Network to Penetrate the Unpublished Job Market

Where all to look for jobs, when there are none being advertised? The answer is: Do your research and the answer shall come to you.

Once you are ready with your research the next action step is finding the right contact to approach the position internally. Do not be put off if you do not see any advertised jobs on their online job boards. Some internal positions are not advertised and you can very well approach these jobs by smart networking.


Training for a new Job and Skill

May non-profit vocational training center and job placement centers offer training sessions for jobs like JobTrain which serves hundreds of youth (ages 14-21) each year in both in-school and out of school programs. Trainees also learn to improve their communication skills, to understand the importance of punctuality and working hard, and to build self-respect and self-sufficiency. JobTrain youth can spend summers working and gaining real-world experience, or can earn high school credit in non-traditional courses. This is very important for the youth especially since just out of college you may not land a job immediately during an economic downturn.


Use your Current Skills to Freelance

It won’t bring in the same money that you might be getting as a full-time job but when paying your bills and taking care of a family are the priorities then any additional income is welcome. Also make sure that you spend say about 40 percent of your “work” time in freelancing and rest of the time in networking with friends and ex-colleagues on any possible job openings leads and enhancing your skills.


Part-time or Weekend Work

You or your spouse can work a few hours during the weekend to make some extra dough – not a bad idea in a recession. Well, it could be as simple as helping in advertising for a local pizza place to showing your web savvies online by either learning a new skill (there is tons of information online and self help courses that you can learn from) or teaching others and charging them for it – Ok that means have your website or blog (Note: you may not monetize this option in a short time, it needs time and careful nurturing and advertising.. but yet again, it is good to begin something that and then evaluate the options on the returns and your interest in taking it to different heights).


Be Ready to Relocate

Many good corporate jobs are moving overseas, there have been many reports during the last few months where companies in India and China have offered good positions to those laid off from Lehman and others affected from the Wall Street roller coaster debacles. Asian economies are growing and many companies are eager to absorb these globally experienced professionals.
An international experience would only enhance your portfolio and there is always a possibility to return to your native land when the going gets good.

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