Getting up one day and deciding to totally overhaul your life and career is a brave thing to do. The idea of having to find somewhere totally new to raise your family and try your hand at a whole new lifestyle can be a little daunting but it can also be exciting and an opportunity to take on a new challenge. If you are looking for a change in the pace of your life, moving abroad can be a great way to make a fresh start, but make sure you ask yourself these questions before you make the move.
Can you get a job?
A job is a hugely important factor in moving somewhere new because this will allow you to make a wage to support your family and it will allow you to live the lifestyle that you want to live. A change in career might encourage you to explore your passions and hobbies – can they be the next career that you would love to wake up to everyday. Finding a job in a place such as Australia can be pretty easy and they have everything from GP Jobs Australia to jobs surfing on the beach or teaching scuba diving. If you want to move to Canada, you should know that they have incredible opportunities for job-seeking immigrants with a welcoming environment. Numerous companies across diverse industries receive official permission through LMIA application for employers in Canada, ensuring a legal and secure hiring process.
You need to make sure that the career you want to pursue is something which your destination has a real need for otherwise you will never be able to get to where you want to be.
Can you afford it?
Cost is pretty much the most crucial thing to think about if you plan on moving somewhere new and the cost of living in another country will be starkly different to your own due to the supply and demand of certain items as well as the difference with the exchange rate and so on. It is a good idea to check out some foreign grocery stores and look at energy providers to get an idea of what prices you would be paying for the same service as you get at home and this will allow you to see if you can realistically move to another country. You also need to consider other costs that your move might create such as shipping a car during a work relocation.
Does your family want to?
You might have a big dream about moving across the world to start a new life but is it only you who wants this to happen? Just because you think your whole family will love the idea doesn’t mean they actually will. Make sure to get everyone in the family involved including the kids to make sure that you make a decision which sure everyone in your home. Family have to stick together remember.
Can you get a Visa?
A visa is a huge deal when you are thinking of moving to another country and with most countries, if you want to work in a different country you will need to get a working Visa for that country. Make sure to check this with your local authority and apply well in advance because completing all paperwork can take a lot of time.
Where will you move to?
Where do you want to live? There are so many amazing places around the world you could move to so the question you need to ask is where you want to spend the rest of your life. Based on how you answer the questions above it now becomes easier to narrow down a few places and anticipate how living there would be an how the job prospects could turn out. As the next steps it would be best to conduct some informational interviews with anyone you know or through your network reach out to learn more about the place and options. once you have narrowed down further it’s best to plan a trip to a couple of the places which ranked higher on the list based on your desire and career feasibility.
Good luck, let the adventures begin!