Negotiating during the Interview – On Work-Life Balance

If you are reentering the workforce after taking time off being at home looking after kids or for other personal reasons, you could be considering only part-time work schedule or flexible timings at your preference. If you desire so, your best bet in getting it all lies in effective negotiation during the interview itself.

Show them (your interviewers) how you could be valuable to the company and how your commitment to the family shows your commitment to them.
How can you ‘show’ them? Well tell them and whatever you say if you do so sincerely the message drives home.

Want to work only part-time? Consider the following:

Try to contact someone in the HR or someone you know in the company where you are interviewing asking about the company’s policies regarding going part-time.
Review the following:

How to negotiate a switch / option to part-time work?


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