What to Expect When Working With a Recruiter

Finding a job can be a tedious and challenging task for even the most qualified applicants. Despite common misconceptions, those applicants with glowing job references, degrees from esteemed Ivy League universities, and hours of logged volunteer service may still struggle in their job searches. While a well-established resume will improve your chances of landing the job, once you secure an interview, those applicants who work with a recruiter will be able to spot job openings left unnoticed by those summa cum laude graduates that solely relied on job search engines.

In a competitive job market, a sparkling resume isn’t enough. With more college graduates than ever before, you’ll want to set yourself apart from the herd. You may have tried searching for jobs online. You may have consulted friends and relatives to see if their place of employment was hiring. You may have even walked from one office to another, in hopes of making a connection.

If you’ve exhausted all your options, working with a recruiter or employment agency may be your last hope. Recruiters connect companies with top talents across the world, based on their qualifications. You could be the top talent these employers are looking for.

Most applicants hesitate to use recruiters because they don’t know what to expect, or they’re not sure a recruiter is worth the trouble. If you’re experiencing unemployment, here’s what you should expect from an employment agency.


With the right recruiter, your chances are high

One mistake most job seekers make is settling for a recruiter without considering their specific needs. You should always choose a recruiter that understands your industry-of-interest. For instance, Fusion Medical Staffing specializes in employing medical workers and matching employers with top talents in the healthcare industry.

Different recruitment agencies will offer different services. It’s your responsibility to choose the one that will serve you better, so avoid beating around the bush. Every applicant seeking employment should consider the following:

To increase your chances of landing, you’ll need to do your due diligence in researching employment agencies in your area.

A recruiter doesn’t work for you

Before you step into any recruitment agency, always remember that the people employed at your agency of choice won’t be working for you. Ultimately, your potential employers are both their bosses and clients. Therefore, you’ll only be considered if you meet the requirements specified by the employer. If you don’t meet the criteria specified, you’ll likely be turned away.

While this may seem unfair, the employer is paying the recruiter bill, entitling you to virtually nothing. Though a recruiter can advocate for you, at the end of the day, they represent the interests of the employer. However, because recruiters depend on job seekers like you to fill open positions before they’re paid, your needs will be considered. With the right industry-specific recruiter, you’ll be matched to the job of your dreams.

You need to do your part. Recruiters won’t spoon-feed you.

After partnering with a recruiter, you don’t get to kick up your feet and hope someone else will do the heavy-lifting for you. You’ll need to be more retargetful and proactive in your job search endeavors.

For instance, you can consult a recruit for tips on how to improve your resume, but don’t expect them to write it or organize it for you. As mentioned earlier, they aren’t working for you.

If you ask for guidance, most recruitment agencies will be more than willing to help you, considering the reality that they need to fill the position with a great candidate. Therefore, you must do your part to impress your recruiter. Though they aren’t involved in the final decision of which interviewees deserve interviews, they might relay some positive reviews over to your employer if you make a lasting impression.

Your recruiter is not a career coach

Never approach a recruiter with the expectation that they’ll provide custom career coaching. Your recruiter might offer tips-and-tricks pertinent to the job search but won’t offer personalized career coaching services. These recruiters aren’t obligated to help you with career planning, writing a resume, or answering interview questions. These are the responsibilities of a career coach.

However, some recruitment agencies come with career coaching services as an additional package, which isn’t free. Because you’re receiving extra services, you’ll need to compensate your recruiter for their time and expertise.

Maintaining the relationship can be beneficial

Once a recruiter helps you land a job, it’s always good to keep in touch with them. After you’re offered the position, send over a thank-you message that shows appreciation for their efforts. If you need a better position, be transparent. If you don’t communicate with them, don’t expect them to contact you when they find a position better suited to your skillset.

Approach your recruiter whenever you’re in need of services that fall within his or her job description. Remember, it won’t cost you anything to recommend the agency to friends, relatives, and colleagues, but it can help in raising your profile. Building a solid relationship with your recruiter will benefit you in the long-term.

So, should you consider a recruiter?

The short answer is yes. Recruitment agencies have helped those from a variety of industry backgrounds land their dream jobs. Because a recruiter has the inside scoop on what an employer wants, they’ll be able to spot it immediately when they meet potential candidates. Your days of being weeded out by a resume algorithm are no longer.

Remember, a recruiter can reveal opportunities in your area previously obstructed from sight, making them well worth the time investment  Despite popular misconceptions, locating an industry-specific recruiter isn’t an effortless pursuit. You’ll need to do your homework to ensure you partner with the right agency for you.


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